02.11.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 01.11.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 31.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 26.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 25.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 24.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 19.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 18.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 17.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 12.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 11.10.22 Добрий день перегляньте, будь ласка, відео та виконайте завдання за ним 02.06 Добрий день. Виконайте завдання письмово 31.05 30.05 26,05 Доброго дня. Прочитайте текст 4. Виконайте завдання письмово. 24,05 Доброго дня. Виконайте завдання письмово. 23,05 Доброго дня. Виконайте завдання письмово. 19,05 17,05 16,05 12.05 10.05 09.05 05.05 03.05 02.05 28.04 26.04 25.04 21,04 19,04 18,04 14,04 12,04 11,04 Доброго дня. Прочитайте текст і виконайте завдання до нього 07.04 05.04 04.04 31.03 29.03 28.03 24,03 22,03 21,03 17.03 15.03 14.03 08.02 10.02


Topic:        Mass Media

Objectives: to train in reading comprehension; to develop communicative skills, using active lexis on the topic, to gain pupils` experience to find necessary materials from various sources.

To motivate the pupils in expressing their own opinions and views on the topic,

To teach them to collect information and make the conclusions.


I. Beginning of the lesson

T.  Greeting.

T:  Good morning pupils! How are you? I hope you are fine!

1. Warming-up

T: To begin with, let’s have some practice. “Tell me about it

P1: begins talking about a topic, and P2 picks up on one connect word from what has been said and says, “Tell me about (word)”. P1 then has to talk about this word until P3 interrupts and says, “Tell me about (word)”. Let the conversation go on for 1-2 minutes, encouraging the pupils to interrupt as much as possible.

An example…

P1: My name is Sasha and I’m from Kyiv.

P2: Tell me something about Kyiv.

P1: Kyiv is an ancient city with lots of historical monuments.

P3: Tell me something about monuments.

P1: There are many kinds of monuments. Have you seen our Lenin monument near the post office?          

Well done!

II.      The main part of the lesson

1.                 Introduction of the topic

T:     So, the topic of our lesson is “Mass Media”     

2.                 The revision of the material

T:   To begin with let’s clear up some questions.

            Answer my questions?

Ø What do mass media mean?

Ø What are the forms of mass media?

Ø What are the examples of print media?

Ø Where can we get newspapers and magazines?

Ø What are the examples of electronic media?

Ø What functions do mass media perform?

P1: One of the most important functions of mass media is to inform. In all kinds of newspapers we can read about different news and events which take place in our country or abroad.

P2: They also can attract attention to the discussion of some acute problems of our country like littering, protection of animals, taking drugs, teenagers’ problems and others.

P3: They forms public opinion, for example when we read different interviews with famous politicians, scientists deputies or listen to talk-shows on TV.

P4: Mass Media educates. There are a lot of educational and popular science films, special- interest newspapers.

3.            Discussion

T:   speak about print mass media.

T:  Revise some vocabulary.  Match the definitions: 

           1. editorial           2. feature article

3. column              4. classified ad

5. news item          6. comic strip    7. gossip column

a.      A series of pictures drawn inside boxes that tell a story

b.     A regular article in a newspaper or magazine about the behavior and private lives of famous people

c.      A piece of writing in a newspaper that gives the editor’s opinion about smth, rather than reporting facts.

d.     A piece of writing about a definite subject in a newspaper or magazine.

e.      An article on a definite subject or by a definite writer that appears regularly in a newspaper or magazine.

f.       A small advertisement you put in a newspaper to buy or sell smth.

g.     A short piece of news in a newspaper or magazine.

(Keys: 1c; 2d; 3e; 4f; 5g; 6a; 7b)

T: What kinds of newspapers are there in Ukraine?

P1: There are different kinds of newspapers in our country such as: daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, national newspapers, local newspapers, special-interest newspapers and web-based newspapers.

T: What are the most common sections in daily newspapers?

P2: Daily newspapers publish world, national and local news. They also publish advice, a sport section, and critic reviews of movies, play, weather news and forecasts, a humor section, comic strips and other entertainments, such as crosswords, Sudoku and horoscopes, advertisements.

 T: What are the main sizes of the newspapers?

P3: There are two main sizes of newspapers – standard and tabloids.                   

T:    As we have already mentioned magazines are also print mass media.

There are political, literary, scientific, popular-science, sports, women and magazines for children in Ukraine.

We can’t discuss all kinds of magazines which are published in Ukraine but we can present you some magazines for teenagers.

(“The Young Lady”)

P4: My favorite magazine for teenagers is “The Young Lady”. It is published once a month. There are 58 pages in this magazine. There are such sections as “Letter box”, where we can read the teenagers’ letters about their life, “Music”, “The portrait of the Star” here one can read about famous pop-stars. There is a popular section “Interview”, Alexander Rybak is interviewed in this issue. Other sections are “Books”, “Fashion ideas”, “Hot topic”, “Discussion”, “Ask a psychologist”, “Love Stories”, “Beauty”, “Health”, “Tests”, “Recipes”, and traditionally every issue has “Crosswords”, “Horoscopes” and a lot of advertisements. I’m sure every girl will find a section up to her taste. Subscribe to this magazine and you will find the answers to all your questions and even more you’ll find a true friend which can support you in all situations!


         T: What does television mean for you?

             Is it possible to live without television?

            What functions does it perform?

            What are the most popular channels?

            What is your favorite channel?

            What is your favorite programme?

4.                 Reading Comprehension (Text for additional reading)

1)    Pre-reading activity

Practice some vocabulary

To mould public opinion      формувати громадську думку

To resist                               опиратися, чинити опір комусь, чомусь

Panel --                                    група знавців, що зібралися для обговорення                                                  громадського важливого питання

To make a profit on smth.    одержувати прибуток від чогось

To convince smb. of smth. (that...)переконати когось в тому, що…

Artistic taste                        художній смак

American Radio and Television

Mass media play an important part in the life of the society. They inform, educate and entertain people. They also influence the way people look at the world and make them change their views. “After all,” say American media men, -- “news is not what happens – it is what you see or read about in mass media.” In other words, mass media mould public opinion.

Millions of Americans in their spare time watch TV and read newspapers. The daily papers dominates family life at breakfast, TV dominates the life of the family most of the time. The TV set is not just a piece of furniture. It is “one of the family”. It is also a habit forming drug impossible to resist. The radio is turned on most of the time, creating a permanent background noise. It does not interfere with your activities. You can listen to the radio while doing some work about the house, reading a book or driving a car.

On the radio one can hear music, plays, news and various commentary and discussions called forums. At a forum several authorities exchange views on social, economic and politic problems, as well as on books of common interest. A number of sides are represented so that the listeners can hear various opinions. A particular feature of the American radio is soap opera. It is a sentimental serial drama dealing with domestic problems and meant for housewives. Soap opera is usually broadcast every day. Most people find soap opera boring.

There is a lot of advertising on American TV and radio. Some of the TV and radio stations are owned by big corporations or individuals. The owners can advertise whatever they choose. To advertise their goods commercials firms buy TV and radio time. So most of radio and TV time is taken up by advertisements. The firms also sponsor shows and programmes that make people buy their goods. For instance, to attend a show or to take part in a quiz programme you may have to send to the studio the required number of empty cartons, boxes or wrappings (depending on what product the sponsoring firm is selling). People are attracted by such programmes not only because they provide entertainment. A valuable prize is usually promised for the correct answer to the main question, such as a video or radio cassette recorder or a stereo music centre. Americans are very optimistic. Their optimism makes them believe in luck and buy things which they may not need at all. The sponsoring firm makes a great profit on such programmes. The more people attend the show, the greater is the profit of the firm.

Advertising promotes business and benefits businessmen but often annoy the general public. The play you are watching on TV may be interrupted several times by an appeal to use a new perfume or detergent, or drink a certain kind of beer. Though Americans are used to everything being advertised, watching such programmes gives one a headache instead of providing relaxation. Sometimes the patience of the viewer snaps and turns off the TV set without ever learning who murdered the innocent old lady, hijacked the plane, forged the cheques, poisoned the wife of the millionaire, kidnapped his daughter or committed some other crime.

But it is hardly fair to say that American mass media do not try to raise the cultural level of the people or to develop their artistic taste and with great professional skill. Radio and television bring into millions of homes not only entertainment and news but also cultural and educational programmes. Radio stations broadcast about ten thousand hours of musical programmes weekly. Many programmes are made up almost entirely of classical music.

There is a lot of education both on the radio and on television. For instance, you can take a TV course in history, political economy, management, and banking and in many other subjects or learn a foreign language by radio. Educational TV films and programmes are shown in schools and colleges as a part of the curriculum.

The opinion that all commercial programmes are of little artistic value can also be disputed.

2)    Post-reading activity

Answer the questions

1.     Do mass media mould public opinion?

2.     What kind of mass media dominates the life of the family most of the time?

3.     Do the Americans listen to the radio?

4.     A particular feature of the American radio is information overload, isn’t it?

5.     What is panel game?

6.     What is most of radio and TV time taken up by?

7.     What does one need to attend a show or to take part in a quiz programme?

8.     Do American mass media try to raise the cultural level of the people?

9.     What educational programmes can one watch on TV?


III. Summarizing.

Your home task is: be ready to speak about American television and radio.


Тема: Лондон і його визначні місця.

Мета: ознайомити з новою лексикою теми;

           навчати утворювати ступені порівняння багатоскладових                                                                                                                                                                                         


           поглибити знання учнів про визначні місця Лондона;

           навчити порівнювати історичні пам’ятки Великобританії та України;

           виховати почуття причетності до світової історії та культури.

Обладнання: Підручник, робочий зошит, картки для самостійної  

                         роботи (НО1).





- Stand up! Good afternoon, children! Nice to see you!

2.Повідомлення теми та мети. уроку.


 Т: Today we'll have a very interesting topic London. You'll know a lot about   

 this city and about the places of interest.

 But first let's revise the modals and check your homework.

3.Перевірка домашнього завдання.

(Check on Homework)

 РЗ, впр. З (с. 37—38).

 Учитель просить двох-трьох учнів прочитати складені речення.

 Учні по черзі називають модальні дієслова, які вони вибрали.

4.Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

(Warming up)

 Учитель пише на дошці слова: capital, Eiffel Tower, Christopher   

 Wren, St Paul's Cathedral, St Sofia's Cathedral, Stonehenge, Carnegie Hall,                                          

 Seine, Big Ben, Statue of Liberty, Thames.

 T: First, let's see, what you know about this city. Look at the words on the                        

 blackboard and tell which of them are connected with our topic «London».

 Учні називають слова, які пов'язані з темою «Лондон». Учитель коментує                                        

 їхній вибір:

 Capital, because London is the capital of Great Britain.

 Christopher Wren, because he was a famous English architect who built St Paul's   


 St Paul's Cathedral is one of the most beautiful English churches.

 Big Ben as it is the famous clock on the Houses of Parliament.

 Thames the big river in London.


1.Подання нового лексичного матеріалу.

(Presenting Vocabulary)

1) Впр. 1 (с. 68).

Т: Look at the picture and tell what buildings and places in the city you can see.   

Учні розглядають малюнки й називають зображені на них будівлі.


2) P3, впр. 1 (с. 38).   

Учні записують назви будівель, намагаючись не підглядати в підручники.

3) P3, впр. 2 (с. 68). Числівники.

Т: In the text we are going to read today some numbers. So let's practise them. Учитель пояснює слова hundred, thousand, million. Учні по черзі називають числівники, подані в тексті вправи.

4) РЗ, впр. 2(с. 39).

Учні записують числівники словами й ланцюжком читають речення. Т: Listen to the numbers. Circle the number you'll hear: 1) Seven hundred, 2) fourteen thousand, 3) one million, 4) thirty, 5) twelve thousand, 6) eight million, 7) fifty thousand, 8) sixteen million.


Вибери й обведи числівник, який ти почуєш.

 1) 7,000; 17,000; 70,000

 2) 140; 14,000; 14

 3) 1,000,000; 1,000; 100

 4) 13; 30; 33

 5) 12,000; 20,000; 2,000

 6) 8,000,000; 8,000; 800

 7) 5,000; 50,000; 15,000

 8) 16,000; 6,000,000; 16,000,000

2. Подання тексту для читання, впр. З (с. 69).


1) Етап підготовки до читання.

  а) Активізація лексичного матеріалу.
Учні читають слова, подані перед текстом, і речення, які їх ілюструють.

  б) Усна бесіда за малюнками до тексту.
Т: Look at the pictures on pages 69—71. What places of interest can you see there?
What do you know about them?

2) Етап читання.

T: Read the text quickly and write all the numbers you'll find.

Учні мовчки читають текст і виписують у зошити числівники: 8, 000,000,100, 10, 000.

Т: Which of the numbers refer to the streets of London/population of London/Tower Bridge?

Учні відповідають, після цього читають текст ланцюжком і перекладають його українською.

3) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту.

Т:Are the following statements true or false?

НО1: Познач правильні (v) ma неправильні (x) твердження.

          1. London is a capital city.

         2. The population of London is about eight thousand people.

         3. Tower Bridge crosses the river Thames.

         4. Tower of London is a church.

         5. Big Ben is a clock.

         6. One of the oldest royal churches is Westminster Abbey.

         7. There is only one park in London Regent's Park.

         8. Tube is the oldest metro in the world.

3. Подання граматичного матеріалу. Ступені порівняння багатоскладових прикметників.

(Presenting Grammar)

1) Усна бесіда.

Т: We said that when we want to compare two things, we use a comparative adjective and if we want to compare three or more things, we use a superlative adjective. If the adjective is short (e. g. big, long) we add suffixes -er, -est: big bigger the biggest. But if the ad­jective is rather long (e. g. beautiful, famous), we can't add suffixes -er, -est, because the words wouldn't sound good then. What shall we do? Look at the table and tell.







more + adj.

most + adj.


more beautiful

(the) most beautiful


more comfortable

(the) most comfortable


more famous

(the) most famous


Учні самостійно формулюють правило про утворення прикметників вищого ц найви­щого ступенів порівняння, які мають три і більше складів.

Т: Look at the text «London» and find the examples of comparative and superlative adjectives there.

2)Bnp. 4 (c. 71—72).

Учні читають приклади прикметників, подані у вправі, і розглядають малюнки, які їх ілюструють. Потім читають речення з цими прикметниками.

3)Впр. 5 (с. 72).

Учні в зошитах записують прикметники у трьох ступенях порівняння. Учитель збирає зошити й перевіряє правильність виконання завдання.


1. Домашнє завдання


Розповідати про Лондон за текстом впр. 3(с.69-70) – детальний переказ; РЗ, впр. 3 с. 39 (письмово)

2. Підведення підсумків уроку.


T: What fact about London you have learned today was the most interesting for you? Why?


Тема уроку:  «Містами Великої Британії. Розвиток навичок читання та усного мовлення»

Клас: 8

Тип уроку: комбінований

Мета: ефективно працювати з текстом відповідної тематики,  демонструючи розуміння цінності культурного розмаїття та потреби жити разом у мирі.

Форми роботи: індивідуальна, групова, фронтальна


Aim - During our lesson we’re going to make an exciting trip to Great Britain. It gives you a good opportunity to find out many interesting facts about British cities, practice new words and share your ideas with classmates as well. So, let’s start our lesson!

Warm-up - “Share your ideas”

Картинки по запросу чай Англія традиціїStudents are shown two pictures. Task: What connection do they have with Great Britain? Explain in a few sentences.

CHECK-ON HOMEWORK:  Ex. 13 p. 230 - Questions to the answers.



p. 206 - Presenting a new vocabulary (translation using L1, students repeat the words twice)

a fisherman - рибалка

an industry - промисловість

an inhabitant - мешканець

population - населення

a sailor - моряк

to inhabit - населяти

industrial - промисловий

to be proud of - пишатися

to be buried - бути похованим

Read only nouns / adjectives / verbs

**Extra task (for the best students) - make up a sentences using as many new words as it is possible


Pre-Listening - Pronounce the names of the British cities correctly (they are written on the blackboard):

Belfast |bɛlfˈɑːst|

Birmingham  [ ˈbɜːmɪŋəm ]

Bristol |ˈbrɪst(ə)l|

Cardiff |ˈkɑːdɪf|

Dublin |ˈdʌblɪn|

Edinburgh  |ˈɛdɪnbərə|

Glasgow  |ˈɡlɑːzɡəʊ|

Liverpool |ˈlɪvəpuːl|

London |ˈlʌndən| 

Manchester  |ˈmantʃɪstə|

Plymouth  |ˈplɪməθ|

Portsmouth |ˈpɔːtsməθ|

Sheffield |ˈʃɛfiːld| 

Do ex. 6 b p. 206 - Copy and fill in the table with the names of people who inhabit the United Kingdom:



Great Britain

the British


the English


the Scottish, the Scotts


the Welsh

Nothern Ireland

The Irish


Listening - Do ex. 7 p. 207 - Listen about the population of Great Britain.

Post-Listening - Complete the sentences choosing right answer and read aloud to check up

1) More than (46) million people live in England.

2) (Liverpool and Manchester) are the biggest industrial cities in the centre of England.

3) Many sailors and fishermen live in Liverpool, (Plymouth and Portsmouth).

4) (Stratford-upon-Avon) is the birthplace of Shakespeare.

5) In some parts of (Scotland) and Wales people speak other languages besides English.

6) Everyone in the UK speaks English (differently).


Ex. 8 a p. 208 - Name the capitals of England / Nothern Ireland / Scotland / Great Britain / Wales

*What country has the same capital as Great Britain on the whole?


“True-False” Game - Clap your hands if it is false and correct the mistakes

1) Queen Elizabeth II is the ruler of the USA.

2) London’s inhabits prefer to wear kilt for special occasions.

3) London is situated on the river Thames.

4) When we say “Great Britain” we mean four countries.

5) The Times is the oldest British newspaper.

6) St Patrick is a patron saint of England.

7) There are blue, green, red and white colours in the British flag.

Relaxing Minute - слухаймо гімн Великої Британії (Great Britain National Anthem “God Save The Queen”)


The students are divided into two groups.          

The first group - “Manchester”

The second group - “Glasgow’

They are given the text with the full gaps and stickers with the missing words.

Task - Complete the text and present it to the class (try to retell the information).


Manchester is the second  biggest ___ in ___ after Liverpool. It is the ____ capital of the North of England. It has a ___ which is neither cold nor hot. The highest summer ____ is 27”C.

Manchester is the fifth largest ____ in Great Britain.  The ___ of Manchester is about 680,000 people.

It was ___ in the Roman times. In later history Manchester was the ___ of the cotton trade in all the world. At present its ___ produce different electronic ___, chemical and plastic ___., raincoats and other things.















Glasgow is the largest ___ of Scotland with almost one million ___. It lies only 50 ___ from Edinburgh, near the west ___ of the country. When one of the biggest ___was built here in 15th century it ___ one of the most important educational ___.

Today many thousands of ___ commute to the city because it dominates the whole region in industry.

It became a great port and ___ centre at the beginning of the 18th century. Today it is known for its shipbuilding, ___ and chemicals, textile and clothing. It is also ___  for its ___ and publishing firms.















Teacher-students: What new information did you find out during this lesson? Was it interesting?

Teacher: It was a great piece of work! Your marks are…

HOMEWORK:  Write down a short story about one of the British cities. Be ready to present it to the class. 

Theme:  Friendship is the most expensive treasure




- To enrich and practice pupils’ vocabulary on the topic; to learn English proverbs   

  and teach pupils to explain them

- To give pupils an opportunity to practice language in situations which encourage  

  them to communicate their needs, ideas and opinions


- To develop speaking, listening and reading

- To broad their intellectual horizons

- To challenge the pupils to think


- To teach children to love their friends and cherish their friendship

Equipments: video motivation, proverbs, motto of the lesson, letters of words, audio, test, the Earth, paper-hands, GB’s flag and Germany’s flag





 Good morning, everybody! I am very glad to see you. We have guests

today. Let’s greet them and begin our lesson.

-          Today we’ll work with two groups of pupils. This is English group and that is German group.

God created this wonderful world

He created a man. He wanted to see the man wise, honest, hard-working, open

handed and kind. But around us there are many different situations and often

our life is not a “bed of roses”. Then we need help. How do you think, what helps

us in life?

-         Our parents/ our family/ our friends


Watching motivation video about friends and friendship.

-          I am sure everybody is interested in  today’s lesson.

At first look at the screen, and say what the theme of the lesson is.

(Children watch the video)

 Yes, of course. The richest people in the world are not those with the most money, but those with close true friends. So, today at the lesson we are going to speak about our friends and friendship. Friendship is really a very important feeling in the life of any person.


The motto of the lesson.

-         Look at the blackboard on this part you can see the motto in English and that the motto in Germany. (Language opens doors to friendship)

-         Let’s read them.

-         How do you understand them? (answers each groups)


Put the words in the correct order

-         Now you see two words “Friend” and “Freund”

-         Give your associations with this word. We’ll give you some words and choose one word to one letter about friend and stick these words.

(fiendish, fast, reliable, rude, intelligent, normally, )

Proverbs. Find the end of the proverb.

-          Everybody has a friend. What is friendship? What do you think about it?

-         Look at the blackboard and find the proverbs in English and proverbs in German language. Write these proverbs to your exercisers book.

(Children write the proverbs)

-         Germans read your first proverb and say how you understand it. 

-         Who knows the equivalent in Ukrainian language? Translate.

-         English do you have such proverb in English. Read, how do you understand it?

(A friend in need is a friend indeed. A real friendship is possible only when people respect and trust each other

            A friend to all is a friend to none.   So that which has many heads, has in reality no         head at all   Old friend and old wine are best.  This idiom means that the things and people that we know well are better than the unfamiliar.)


Listening and reading

-         Listen to the text about classmates. After listening you must say: “Was the boy a real friend?”  Take the earphones and begin to listen.


There was a plump boy. He studied at school and children called him “tuhtiy”

His name was Klaus. During the breaks he was alone. But he studied very well and was good at all subjects. He wants to have a friend but he hasn’t any friends. Another boy from this class noticed this poor boy. His name was Gerd .

One day Gerd came up to Klaus and proposed him to be his friend. Klaus was very glad and agreed. Gerd said the condition to Klaus. The boy must take the orange if he want to be his friend.

Next morning two friends decided go to the cinema but they hadn’t money. Gerd said to  his friend to bring money. Klaus did it.

One day Klaus wanted to play football with his classmates but Gerd said that he was very fat. Klaus was upset.

Next time Gerd proposed Klaus to buy some cars in the shop but they had no money. Gerd said to steal them. Klaus did it but one of the cars fell down to the floor, Gerd ran away and the shop-assistant called the police. The policeman took Klaus home and told everything to his mother. At school all classmates called Klaus “Thief”. Gerd confirmed it and said that he saw him with his own eyes. Klaus wanted to said what was happened but his friend Gerd said that he was not only a thif, but he was a layer.

-         Was Gerd a friend to Klaus?
















Klaus and Gerd were






What did Klaus proposed to Gerd ?






Who gave money for a ticket to the cinema?




Klaus’ mother


What did Klaus steal in the shop?






Who was Gerd to Klaus?



the best friend




-         What is your mark?

-         Do you agree with your mark?



-Friends are the warm. The warm of our hands. We must take care of it and cherish our friends’ friendship.

- Now you have a paper hand. You must think a little and write what does mean friendship for you, then go to the blackboard, say your opinion and stick these paper hands on the planet «Friendship”



IV. Summarizing

We’d like to give some little presents to guests . Listen, relax and sing.

Song “SMILE”

Music by V.Shainsky,

Lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky,

With a smile a gloomy day is bright

And a rainbow in the sky at once appears.

Share your smile and everything’s all right

And it will return to you and will be near.


Then for sure clouds in the sky

Will be merry, dancing high.

A grasshopper’ll take at once a tiny fiddle.

From blue streams all rivers start.

Give a smile from all your heart!

Give a smile from all your heart, (Twice)

Just from the middle.




-         So, your hometask today will be to make project “The main rules of real friendship”

-          So, I  would like to thank everybody for your work. You are good pupils and you worked hard today. I wish you not lose your friends and be in love and happiness forever. And always remember the golden rule of friendship:







Тема. British Newspapers. News Services


Мета: вдосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання й усного мовлення; формувати навички вживання нових ЛО в усному мовленні учнів у граматичних структурах Present і Past Simple Tenses; навчити учнів правильного вживання англійських модальних дієслів і фраз наповнення; сприяти розвитку логічного та критичного мислення; розвивати спостережливість і пізнавальний інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.


I.  Організація класу. Привітання


II.  Підготовка до іноземного мовлення

Фонетична й мовленнєва зарядка.


III. Основна частина уроку

a) Ех. 9, р. 16 — Write brief information about one of your local newspapers. What things make it popular among the readers? Use the prompts of Ex. 7b, p. 16.

b) Some interesting facts about British newspapers (handouts):

The British are the most voracious newspaper readers in the world.

They read newspapers at breakfast: they walk to the bus reading a newspaper: they read a newspaper on the bus, as they go to work; and on the way back home they are engrossed in on evening newspaper.

If you ask an Englishman about the press in his country he will almost certainly begin talking about the morning daily and Sunday national newspapers. The dominating position of the national daily morning papers is due to the smallness of the country. A paper printed in London around midnight can be at any breakfast table in England the next morning all over the country most people read the same newspapers.

The national dailies are usually classed as either quality or popular. The number of newspapers sold in relation to the population is higher in Britain than in any other country except Sweden.

c)   Ex. 1, p. 17 — Work in groups of three.

Listen to your friend’s statement about the mass media. Then listen to the responses. Say who you agree with. Present your own opinion using some patterns.

d)  Ex. 2, p. 17 — Read the article from a magazine and say how news is spread worldwide:

·       rely on news services

·       the gathering of news

·       speeded up by...

·       cable / fax machines

·       modern telecommunication systems

·       division of providers

·       competent supplier

·       objective information

·       major corporations

·       investment funds

e) Ex. 3, p. 17 Work in pairs. Discuss some questions to the text.

f) Read the stories and try to comment on them (handouts).


Two soldiers were digging a fox hole.

What made you join the Army? asked one.

Well, I read one of the newspapers that said, Join the Army and see the world! And I have been doing it — a shovelful at a time.


“My father was a communications man in the war”, said a boy to another. “And he was a great hero”.


“Yes, to keep the enemy from getting a very secret message he ate the carrier — pigeon”


IV. Завершальна частина уроку

Домашнє завдання

Ех. 8, р. 19.

Підсумок уроку

Учитель підбиває підсумки уроку й оцінює роботу учнів.


Test-Reading  8 form

Read the story.
Abraham Lincoln’s Last Days
Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States from 1861 to
1865. Lincoln led the Union during the Civil War and worked
the end of slavery in the United States.
The Civil War was a hard time for Lincoln. He had to make important
decisions continuously and he slept little. He worried more than he
should and may have been
After the Civil War, one evening in early 1865, Lincoln told a
friend: “About ten days ago, I had a nightmare. In my dream, I heard
people crying and breathing
heavily. Then I saw a large table, and
there was a dead body lying on it. Soldiers were guarding the corpse.
I asked who the person was, and a guard answered: “It’s the American
President. He was killed by an assassin.”
A few weeks later, Lincoln had another strange dream. In the morning, he called his government to a special meeting. “I called you to give you a
warning,” he said. “You will have bad news soon.” That night, President Lincoln was at Ford’s Theater to see a play. There, while watching the show, he was shot. He was alive for a few more hours, but died at the next morning, April 15, 1865.
Since then, many people believe that President Lincoln has
turned into a ghost, and he is still living in the White House. Visitors have seen the ghost of Lincoln walking in the rooms. Nowadays, you can take tours in the White
House, and if you are lucky (or unlucky), you may have a
chance to see a glimpse of this famous president.
I. Circle the correct word.
1 opportunity
a) chance b) warning c) alive
2 spirit
a) toward b) chance c) ghost
3 unhappy
a) alive b) depressed c) toward
4 in the direction of
a) toward b) chance c) alive
5 change
a) alive b) depressed c) turn into

Reading Skills

II. Circle the correct answer.

1.     Which of the following statements best expresses the main idea of the story?
a) Lincoln was a good president. c) Lincoln “saw” the end of his life.
b) Lincoln lived in the White House. d) Lincoln was important in the Civil War.

2.     Which of the following statements support the main idea of this story?
a) Lincoln died at 7 a.m. c) Lincoln sometimes went to the theater.
b) Lincoln had nightmares. d) You can visit the White House today.

3.     Which of the following statements is not mentioned in the story?
a) Lincoln gave a warning. c) People have seen Lincoln’s ghost.
b) Lincoln was married. d) Lincoln was murdered in a theater.

4.     Why did Lincoln call a government meeting?
a) He made an important decision. c) He wanted to vote on a law.
b) He wanted to give a warning. d) He had won the Civil War.

5.     Why did he probably tell his friend about his nightmare?
a) He was worried about his dreams. c) His friend was a doctor.
b) He thought it was a funny story. d) He liked to tell stories.

6.      What conclusion can you draw about Lincoln?
a) He was a good president. c) He felt that something bad would happen.
b) His government was loyal. d) His ghost is an important tourist attraction.

7.     What conclusion can you draw about the story?
a) Studying history is important. c) You shouldn’t go to the theater.
b) You should visit the White House. d) Maybe dreams can tell us something.

8.     What happened ­ first?
a) Tourists visit the White House. c) Lincoln changed into a ghost.
b) Lincoln had strange dreams. d) The Civil War ended.

9.     Which of the following events happened in the middle of the story?
a) Tourists visit the White House. c) Lincoln was a good president.
b) Lincoln had strange dreams. d) The Civil War ended.

10.  How does the story end?
a) Some people see Lincoln’s ghost. c) Children learn about Lincoln.
b) Lincoln had strange dreams. d) The Civil War ended.













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